The reason why I list Steam is just to allow my fans to quickly download the experience. 2020-6-7: The production of this game originated from a live broadcast by Bilibili titled “Challenge to make a Zombie Game in half an hour”. 2020-8-30: Although the challenge failed, I found time to spend 3 days to improve the game slightly, and made it free for fans to try out 2020-12-3: Over the course of a few months, the number of people playing this game increased, so I spent another 7 days, 10 days in total, completely perfect the game. Development stops at this point. 2021-6-26: In order to better showcase the game, I spent the last 2 months building a website to publish my own free games for fans to play 2021-8-22: Because the download speed of Baidu online disk is slow, SO I pay 100 USD to register Steam developer and release the game here for everyone to play What development experience do you have? As of 2021, I have 4 years of Unreal Engine experience and 2 years of Unreal Engine lecture experience.

Features and System Requirements:

New challenges Third-person zombie game Different mode

1FICHIER 1 :: Download Game 2 :: Extract Game 3 :: Launch The Game 4 :: Have Fun 🙂

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