NORTHWIND Make The Entire Server Fallover Funny Trolling Script Roblox Scripts First of all I’m mostly a campaign/single-player type that really enjoyed the original and not really into multiplayer, this game is something I play mostly casually/ relax after work, so with that in mind here are my thoughts. Sadly expansion campaign felt like the developers got bored with their own game and decided to charge you 15 bucks for their badly thought out experiments, not even mentioning the bugs, which there are a lot of, the far greater sin is that most missions are simply not fun (Raven Clan in maps with no shores, really? Who had this bright idea…), and not only is it not fun sometimes it’s downright frustrating (Whatever the hell that hiding on the bush map was). Most things added feel out of place and like they don’t belong, they really feel like an experiment in a raw form that should have never made it to final product.

How to run NORTHWIND roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat

NORTHWIND Make The Entire Server Fallover Funny Trolling Script Roblox Scripts - 37NORTHWIND Make The Entire Server Fallover Funny Trolling Script Roblox Scripts - 7